




黔西南售后维修地址宝齐莱At th moment the Duke of Savoy, with h artillery, came on the field of action, and their deadly fire sealed the fate of the foe.

Yet the noble chivalry of France refused to be thus scattered and beaten they gathered together in groups, fighting desperately to the lastrave souls to whom death was preferable to surrender!

Many men threw down their arms on that fie many fled helplessly before the remorseless reiters, the strong overturning the weak and trampling down the wounded.

Blood flowed like water, death was on every side, and above all other sounds were the wild neighing of the war-horses and the fierce curses of their riders.

The fight and the pursuit of the fugitives had lasted four hours the shades of evening were falling as the victors returned to the field to take up their quarters for the night and to secure their unhappy proners, for whom heavy ransoms would have to be paid to their captors.

France had not suffered such a defeat since Agincourt the bravest and noblest of her sons had fallen on that fie

Montmorency was a proner.

A shot from a schwartzreiter had fractured h thigh as he was throwing himself into the hottest part of the battle, determined to perh.

Covered with mire and blood, unrecognizable in the fierce m锚l茅e, he would have died where he fell, at the hands of the fierce foe.

But over h fallen body stood three gallant swordsmen, whose determined attitude warned all men off. And as the fiery stream of battle flowed onwards, they lifted up the fallen Constable tenderly, and bore him to a place of safety.

Yet were they not to do th deed of mercy unmolested. A swarthy reiter followed them, observing that the fallen man was of high rank.

I claim th man as my proner, and I hold to ransom mine was the shot that brought him down, said he fiercely.

Make your claim good to King Philip, we shall not rest it the ransom may be yours, but at present the body ours, answered De Fynes boldly.

And De Montmorency lived to pay so great a ransom (10,000 ducats), that h captor was able to buy a fortress on the Rhine and a title of nobility!

But the Constables fame as a soldier was lost for ever, and the evening of h days was spent in obscurity.

That night the three Englh youths, unwounded and unscathed, reported themselves to their commander, Lord Clinton. Ah, what a happy meeting was that!

And though the Englh contingent took no leading part in the battle, yet their presence before the town prevented Coligni from succeeding in an attempted sortie from St. Quentinhey did good service.


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