




安顺手表走时不准欧米茄Let us go into the library, he said we shall be undturbed there, and I will tell you all.

There Sir John resumed h seat, and with Susan nestling fondly at h feet, and William standing at h side, he detailed the conversation which had passed between him and h vitors, omitting nothing. H eyes were closely fixed upon William as he came to the military proposition of the Ambassador.

Williams face flushed scarlet, and h eyes flashed with evident joy.

The Ambassador was right, he said within himself the boy a born soldier it in the blood!

Then aloud he saidPgt

Was I acting rightly when I accepted Don Renards proposal

Instantly William flung himself at h uncles knees with all affection and reverence, and seizing h hand, criedPgt

I ask nothing better, it my dearest hearts wh and when I speak for myself I speak for Ralph also I can answer for him.

I thought so, replied the Treasurer, but as far as Ralph concerned (and he chiefly concerned) I will go to the Fleet pron at once and learn h own decion.

But poor Susan was mute!

To be robbed of her two brothers at once, from whom she had never been long separated to see them go forth to all the dangers of war to think that she might never see them more, all th wrung her tender heart, and she began to sob gently.

But she was yet to bear another trial, for William, turning to h uncle as he prepared to go forth, saidPgt

One moment, uncle. Geoffrey de Fynes comes to London th day from Lewes on business of State. He longs for active service, and he heartsick with h present mode of life.

Let me hie to the Ambassador at once and propose that De Fyness name be added to ours.

He will be here to-night, and I can vouch for him that he will rejoice to join us.

The Treasurer hesitated for a moment, then saidPgt

Yes, go, William, and at once. De Fynes a brave man and true, I could not ask for a better comrade for my boys I think it can be done.

Thereupon he left them, and William prepared to go also. A deep sigh from Susan, almost a groan was it, arrested h steps.

The poor girl had thrown herself upon a couch in an attitude of despair.

William knelt at her side.

What it, my dear one he said compassionately.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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