




毕节手表走的快是怎么回事NOMOSOut from the town poured the Dauphins regiment under the command of the brave but rash Teligni, and in a few minutes the object of the sortie became evident. Close to the walls, between them and the Somme, stood many houses of the humbler sort, and an avenue of thick plane-trees grew beside them.

In a few minutes the houses were enveloped in flames, and the soldiers were levelling the trees to the ground with axes.

These would form an obvious shelter to an attacking force, and their destruction was a necessity.

Meanwhile the Admiral (Coligni) was lining the ramparts with arquebusiers, to protect the forces on sortie.

The Englh camp was the first to receive the alarm and to come into action, as Lord Clinton saw to h great joy.

On all sides they were hurrying up, and presently from their serried ranks a heavy musketry fire poured forth. The dtance was great, for the Somme and the morass lay between them and their foe, and th Lord Clinton instantly perceived.

Ride, boy, to Count Brederode, and bid him bring up some field-pieces, he cried hotly to William, who dashed off on h errand.

Now the French arquebusiers began a heavy fusillade on the advancing besiegers, and soon a thick veil of smoke hid the town of St. Quentin from view.

Little harm was being done by the hot musketry fire, and Lord Clinton soon saw that the object of the garron would be attained.

when will your s speak he cried, as he heard the enemys trumpets sound the recall.

Suddenly a roar of artillery rent the air, and the brave foe began to retreat slowly and sullenly. Many a gallant man lay dead outside the walls, stricken by that fierce fire but their work was donehe Admirals object was gained.

The town of St. Quentin, though rich and prosperous, was protected only by ancient fortifications, long since out of date, and in ruinous condition.

The garron consted of but one thousand men, and these were merably armed there was practically no artillery.

When the gallant Admiral had thrown himself into the town he found but one culverin on the ramparts, and for that one no ammunition had been provided!

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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