




黔西南换个皮表带多少钱理查德米勒There were groups of monks in the many-coloured robes of their Orders, Black Dominicans, White ustinians and Brown Benedictines.

All sorts and conditions of men were there, and the young Englhmen watched them with keen interest. So novel a scene had they never witnessed, nor so lovely a house as the Maon du Roi, which blazed with light in all its windows on the eastern side of the Place.

Ah, what a house that was!

Richly sculptured, ornamented with armorial bearings, which glittered with crimson and gold so splendid that it was sometimes called The Golden House. It was in front of that very house that, eleven years later, twenty-five Flemh nobles passed to their doom on the scaffoldt was in the sprinTwo months later Counts Egmont and Horn were led forth from that gorgeous abode to perh under the headsmans axe.

There was no prophetic vion to foretell these dread things and that night, as the young Englhmen gazed upon it in all its sumptuous beauty, the wildest imagination would not have dreamt of so tragic a thing.

The eyes of the young men lingered on these scenes of fascination, and, for a time, they lost the feeling of weariness and fatigue.

Come, boys, cried Geoffrey, as he laid h hands on their shoulders, th will not do!

The clocks are chiming for the ninth hour, and at twelve we have to be in the saddle.

So they retraced their steps to the Hde Flandres and soon fell on sleep, perhaps to dream of gallant courtiers, stout burghers, of civic dignitaries and the fair ladies of the wondrous city of Brussels.

The hour of midnight had come, and in the spacious stable-yard of the hosix fine Flemh horses, fully harnessed for military service, awaited their riders. Nor had they long to wait.

Scarce had the sound of the chiming bells died down than the six horsemen made their appearance. Again was a minute examination made of every part of the equipment, again the men renewed the priming of their ptols and shook their sword-belts into position.

Are you all ready cried Geoffrey, when all was finhed. And in response to the Aye, aye, sir, of the men, the word of command camePgt

Then mount we ride in pairs till we are clear of the city, then as before Robin in front and Hal behind.

Quietly they rode through the dimly-lit streets and passed over the river Senne into the open country. They were on a good road now (the ancient Roman street), which led straight away to Antwerp, through Mechlin, where they would make their first halt.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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