




贵阳表冠掉了万国In the afternoon of that day William and Ralph Jefferay had gone down-stream to Greenwich Park, and had strolled awhile beneath the majestic elms and oaks which begirt the royal palace.

As evening fell they betook themselves to their light boat, and, being dexterous oarsmen, they made rapid progress against the swift-flowing tide, now on the ebb.

They had no time to spare, for both the young men had accepted invitations to the Queens Revel at Whitehall, and they must needs go first to Grays Inn.

They passed London Bridge beneath its widest arch, the central one, and were now opposite St. Pauls Wharf.

At th moment a piercing cry for help rent the air, and the twins instantly rested upon their oars, and ltened eagerly for a repetition of the cry. Alas!

there was none the silence of night was again upon the river.

said William, that was a genuine cry for aid it came from some poor creature in deadly peril. Oh!

what can we do

We will respond to it, by the help of God, replied Ralph it came, surely, from that dark wherry which I see yonder preparing to shoot the bridge.

I thought so also, said William, and methought I recognized the voice of him who called for help it rang into my very soul, and, if I err not, it was the voice of our friend Diego!

To the rescue!

to the rescue!

cried Ralph in reply, and in an instant they had turned their boat down-stream and were following the suspicious wherry.

Their light boat soon brought the heavier wherry into full view. They could see that there were three men on board of her two were rowing, the third held the tiller.

What are our plans, William said Ralph do you take the lead, and I will second you promptly.

Agreed, replied h brother. I propose, then, that we follow that wherry whithersoever it goes. If those men have a captive on board, they will soon seek to lodge him in durancehat will be our moment of attack.

For the present we keep within reach of them, but sufficiently far off to darm their suspicions.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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