




黔西南手表表壳多少钱万宝龙William Jefferay sighed, and the matter dropped.

That night the landlord of the inn came to the vicarage with bad news the apparitor was moaning in pain, and seemed to be light-headed.

Like many of h clerical brethren, the Vicar had some knowledge of medicine, and he now hastened to the sick mans side, taking with him some simple remedies.

Susan had preceded him thither, for among her many beneficent offices she had constituted herself the parh nurse of Chiddingly, and in every case of trouble or sickness she was the first to be sent for.

As the Vicar entered the room, Susan rose from her seat at the bedside and greeted him.

He very feverh, she said. I am afraid he going to be very ill I have sent to Hailsham for the doctor.

You did well, answered the Vicar. I hope he will soon be here.

Just before midnight the doctor arrived, and ere he saw h patient the Vicar related to him the circumstances of the case.

The doctor ltened with some amazement.

You and Mtress Susan are very good to th man, considering the errand upon which he came to Chiddingly, said the doctor.

We do not, perhaps, know all the circumstances of the case, replied the Vicar, for h papers were destroyed by my people perhaps he no foe of mine at all, but if it were so, we remember that it written, If thine enemy hunger, feed him if he thirst, give him drink. Much more, surely, should we succour him if he be sick.

Yes, yes, you are right, doubtless, and I honour you for it, replied the doctorbut come, let us vit the patient.

The vit paid, the two men met again in the inn parlour down-stairs.

He in a high fever, said the doctor, and he will need great care and attention. It too much for Mtress Susan will send you a nurse to-morrow. For to-night, Giless wife can do all that necessary.

But Susan would not hear of th arrangement, declaring that she would remain at her post till the nurse arrived.

Three weeks later two men sat upon a seat on the vicarage lawn.

Again it was a Sunday evening, and the two men were the Vicar and the apparitor.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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