




安顺 维修站百年灵It true, he said, I have put on my brothers cap it was dark when I left home, and I did not mark the colour of it.

Then he rode rapidly ahead, and in a few minutes he arrived at the rendezvous.

The spot was admirably chosen for the object in view. Here the track narrowed to a breadth of sixteen or seventeen feet, and the branches of a giant oak spread right over it.

On each side of the track grew a stout young sapling, as if nature was conspiring on behalf of the stalwarts. Ralph drew a whtle from h doublet and blew a shrill note.

In a minute a rustling noe arose in the dense wood, and there emerged from it nine of h men.

Ralph dmounted, and putting h bridle rein into the hands of one of the men, saidPgt

Take him to the hut and tie him up carefully see that you shut the door after you.

Aye, aye, sir, said the man.

Then Ralph began to unwind from h body the stout cord he had brought with him, with the asstance of h men. One end of it was securely fastened to the sapling on the right of the road, at a height of one foot from the grassy soil.

The other end was made sure at the foot of a tree on the left-hand side, and the rope was drawn taut. The rough grass which grew luxuriantly on the trackway obscured it sufficiently from view.

Every man of the band carried a short cord round h wat, and Ralph carefully inspected these cords to see that they were ready for immediate use.

Now lten, all of you, to my final instructions, said Ralph, as the men gathered round him.

You, Tom and Jim, will mount the oak-tree, climb along that limb which crosses the track, and be ready to drop on the Pursuivant at the moment he passes beneath you. Bring him to the ground and bind h arms and legs with your cords.

Four of you will hide in the wood on the right-hand side of the track, and four on the left-hand. The horses will probably be cht by our rope and will come to ground, their riders being thrown headlong. That your moment of attack spring upon them and rope them securely.

Should a horse escape the stretched rope, h rider must be brought to ground by your cudgels. Beware that no man escapes, or our plan will fail. Above all, remember there must be no bloodshed unless self-defence require it. Leave the rest to me now, do you all understand

Aye, aye, sir, answered the rustics in a joyful shout.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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