




六盘水手表专修部雅克德罗An infernal din filled the air, screams of anguh, cries for mercy, mingled with the demoniac shouts and curses of the conquerors.

Under the walls of the venerable cathedral stood a company of Englh soldiers they had been sent by Philip to perform a curious duty.

In that building, dedicated to h honour, were stored up the relics of St. Quentin, and Philip had ordered that the venerated bones of the Saint should be conveyed to the camp with all honour, and that a mass should be sung before them.

And th while the blazing streets were full of the dead and dying, while helpless children and hapless maidens were being dmembered, while blood ran in torrents on every side.

Alas, that the royal pity should thus be extended to the dead and denied to the living!

Among the Englh group stood Lord Clintons three aides-de-camp, gazing on the scene with sullen anger. Many a helpless babe and terror-stricken mother had they rescued in obedience to Philips own command.

Suddenly a young Frenchwoman, richly dressed, rushed towards them followed by a mounted reiter. Ere she could reach the place of safety the trooper overtook her, and with one cruel sweep of h sword lopped off her right arm. She fell to her feet and the soldier lifted h sword again, with the evident intent of depriving her of both her arms. But ere he could accomplh h fell purpose Ralph sprang forward with a shout.

Devil, fiend and assassin!

he cried, as he ran h sharp rapier through the reiters sword-arm.

The Germans weapon dropped from h right hand, and with h left he strove to draw a ptol from h holster, as he turned fiercely upon h assailant. But pain and anguh overcame him, and he reeled from h saddle.

The deed had been seen by h comrades, and, in an instant, a troop of them faced the Englh, who had leapt to Ralphs side, with wild cries of vengeance. They had dragged their wounded comrade into their midst, now they drew their huge ptols from their holsters and, advancing on the Englh, their leader cried, as he pointed to RalphPgt

Deliver that man up to us or we will slay you all!

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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