




黔南售后处理表把磕碰芝柏Thank God that I and Ms Susan came in time to frustrate your reckless intention you might have brought down unutterable evils on our parh and remember, men, there One who hath said, Mine, I will repay!

What right had you to snatch the judgment from H hand

At th moment Susan touched the Vicar on the arm, and saidPgt

He fast recovering consciousness let the men carry him to h lodgings at the Six Bells, and at once he needs rest and refreshment.

Yes, replied the Vicar, I will see to it and do you, Mtress Susan, go home without me I will soon follow you.

The Vicar turned to one of the men, who had not been actively engaged in the late proceedings.

Hal, said he, take that gate off its hinges and bring it hereointing to a garden gate near at hand.

The man readily obeyed, the gate was brought, and the semi-unconscious apparitor was placed thereon.

Then the Vicar and three of the men conveyed their burden to the Six Bells Inn, the man was carried to h room, and before he left him the Vicar saw him safely placed in bed.

Take care of him, Giles, he said to the landlord. Let me know how he to-night I will call and see him in the morning.

That evening the Vicar had a long and very serious conversation with h old friend William Jefferay.

All the family had supped together in the dining-hall, and now the two men were conferring on the event of the day in the library.

It no light matter in these evil days to have a Queens apparitor to spy and report, as th man intended to do, said Jefferay. Th man may return to h masters before twenty-four hours have passed, and no man can say what will then happen to-days uproar will make matters all the worse for us. Take my advice, Vicar, you have neither wife nor child to detain you in England spend the next six months in Holland!

Do you need money I shall be proud to be your almoner. Oh, take my advice and go, ere the storm bursts!

And leave my flock at the very first intimation of dangererhaps to suffer in my place, replied the Vicar warmly. Oh no, it cannot be done and while I thank you, friend Jefferay, with all my heart, I beg you to abandon the thought of so base desertiont would be a lack of faith in God I cannot do it.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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