




毕节手表换表圈依波路H Eminence tells me that you are just arrived in London from St. Quentin when did you leave that town

Four days since, may it please your Majesty, answered Geoffrey, now standing erect.

Only four days, murmured the Queen how small doth seem the space which separates me from my lord the King!

She sighed deeply then, recovering herself, she askedPgt

How fares h Majesty did he take part in the siege

The King in excellent health, replied Geoffrey, and he took an active part in the siege of St. Quentin.

You saw him there inquired Mary.

Many times, your Majesty he was the cynosure of all eyes as he rode through the flaming streets clad in splendid armour.

Yes, I know, replied Mary, a wan smile flickering awhile on her careworn face he would surely be found where duty and danger called him.

Oh, I can call him to mind as he sat on h war-horse, wearing that wondrous suit of Milanese armour which becomes him so well. I mind me that it was in that suit that Titian painted him I have a copy of it.

For a moment the Queen mused, then she spoke again.

Under what circumstances saw you the King in St. Quentin Methinks he would thrust himself somewhat recklessly into danger. Did he charge at the head of h troopsell me all.

He was ever found where the fight was hottest, replied Geoffrey, and he was greatly concerned for the fate of the women and children he had them conducted in safety out of the city.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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