




六盘水换表扣帝舵Then let us ride on, in Gods name, said Geoffrey.

Robin galloped forward, the four men followed in close order, the rear-guard took up h allotted position. The lights from the camp illumined the country in the rear, and for a long time the hum of the warlike multitude filled the air.

Thus half-an-hour passed they were galloping at a fairly easy pace along the rough road, and the great Flemh horses were warming to their work, sometimes neighing gaily as they tossed their heavy manes in the air.

Not a sound now broke the solemn silence of the night, save the beating of the horses hoofs on the hard road.

They passed through hamlets once full of happy and industrious peasantry, now scenes of black ruin and dire desolation.

Sometimes starving dogs would follow them with a fierce howl, and it became necessary to beat off the poor animals with the whip. Sometimes a solitary shout, or the shrill scream of a womans voice reached their ears, and the young men would have halted out of pure compassion. But it might not be!

On, on!

cried Geoffrey we may not draw rein for man nor woman, for foe nor friend, till we have done the Kings business.

The signs of the works of the Prince of Darkness were often vible, and the sky in a dozen places reflected the red glare of lurid flames.

Once they came very near to a scene of fierce conflicten were besieging a strong stone mill and the valiant miller was making a hard fight for h life and homestead.

Ralph was strongly moved at th sight, all h keen soldierly instincts arose in h soul, and he laid h hand on Geoffreys arm as he criedPgt


may we not make one gallant charge on that murderous mob we should scatter them as chaff before the wind. Oh!

Geoffrey, give leave, I prithee!

And lose the Kings letter, perhaps. Nay, my brave boy, it must not be, answered Geoffrey, as they galloped on.

On, on into the darkness they rode, their gallant horses neither faltering nor failing. As they rode a shrill cry as of some stricken creature in its last agony burst upon their ears they could not avoid th case of dtress, it lay in their very road.

A group of men could be dimly dcerned at the roadside. They had heeded not the approach of a single horseman as Robin swept past them, but as the central group came thundering on the men leapt into the adjoining wood.


cried Geoffrey, and he blew h signal to the advance-guard.

A man was evidently bound to a tree at h feet was a half-extinguhed fire.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


保养腕表秘诀 1 定期上链


保养腕表秘诀2 项完美的调整

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保养腕表秘诀 3 防水腕表的清洗


保养腕表秘诀 4 真皮表带


保养腕表秘诀 5 定期检与维修
