




安顺全自动机械表动能不足帝舵Susans womanly heart divined h trouble, and she hastened to dsipate it with caressing words.

God wills it, dear Geoffrey, she said I would not have it otherwe for think!

at th very hour our beloved Ralph might have been standing in the pillory at Tyburn. Oh, let us thank God for H mercy!

Quickly an hour flew by, and at mid-day the expected vitors arrived and the young people were summoned to the library, where Don Renard and Lord Clinton awaited them, holding converse, meanwhile, with Sir John Jefferay.

The Ambassador introduced them severally to Lord Clinton, and the veteran soldier narrowly scanned h young recruits. He was still in the prime of life, though he had seen much service, as the scars on h rough and rugged face plainly showed.

Evidently the General was pleased with the appearance of the young men, of whom Don Renard had told him much. He took especial note of Geoffrey.

Your father and I, he said, were at Court together, and we had the honour of forming part of the escort which accompanied Queen Ann of Cleves from Canterbury to London. I am glad to meet the son of Lord Dacres.

Then he talked to each of them individually, as one who was anxious to make their personal acquaintance, and perhaps to form some opinion of their capacities and inclinations.

The Englh contingent, he informed them, consted of eight thousand men, of whom an advance body would leave Dover for Cala under h command to-morrow.

For the present he offered them, with the Kings permsion, commsions in the Arquebusiers, with posts on h own staff. If th met their views it would be necessary for them to join their regiment th very night the notice was short, but the case was urgent were they ready

The young men eagerly gave willing consent, and so the matter was decided, and the vitors rose to depart.

I have much to do to-day, Sir John, said Lord Clinton, and so, I doubt not, will be the case with these young gentlemen. I pray you pardon so short a vit and so hurried a departure.

Don Renard took an affectionate leave of h two prot茅g茅s, and the momentous interview was over.

Intense activity prevailed at Grays Inn that day.

There were many preparations to be made, many farewells to be said and counsels to be given.

It was late in the evening that the young soldiers, each accompanied by a trusty serving-man, mounted their horses for Dover, where they were to embark with the troops for Cala.


【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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