




安顺手表表蒙进水了帕玛强尼Run to the vicarage and bring some strong waters, Robin, he cried to a youth who stood looking on.

Nay, rather run to the Six Bells it nearer, suggested Susan, and the boy dashed away to do their bidding.

Meanwhile, Susan had loosed the mans garments around h throat, while the Vicar placed h hand upon h heart.

I fear he dead!

said the Vicar, in tones of anguh.

Nay, cried Susan, as she observed a green froth gurgling at h mouth, see, he breathing!

By th time Robin had returned from the Six Bells with a bottle of brandy in h hand.

Susan took it from the lad and began carefully to moten the mans lips with the strong spirit, then to pour a small portion down h throat.

Presently a colour flushed into the mans pallid cheeks, and a moment later he opened h eyes and looked wonderingly around.

Then, leaving Susan to attend to the sufferer, the Vicar rose to h feet and looked round upon h parhioners.

Now tell me, men, what all th means, he said somewhat sternly.

The men looked shamefaced, but their chief spokesman answered the Vicar promptly.

The man a Government spy, he said he meant mchief to all of us, and especially to you, Vicar. We saw him taking notes of all that you did and said in church, and he warned us that he was a Queens officer, and that to touch him was a hanging matter so we just touched him, and if you had not come along with Ms Susan we should have drawn h fangs, and he would never more have wrought mchief to innocent and harmless people.

The Vicar still preserved a stern countenance, but he had not been human if he had not been secretly touched by th proof of the devotion of h people, however recklessly given.

And these said notes, he said, they may have been quite harmless what did you do with them

We took them from h pockets, Vicar, then we wrapped them round a big stone and threw them in the pond they wont do much harm there!

The Vicars features relaxed into a momentary smile then he became pensive again, as he saidPgt

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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