




铜仁表维修中心万宝龙So to-morrow you leave us, said the Governor, as the supper being finhed they sat over their wine. I am sorry that you cannot prolong your stay, for I would fain have seen more of you, but I know it impossible. I will not ask you ht respecting your report to the Cardinal, but I can divine what it will be. You tell me that the Englh contingent are clamouring for their return home ask him to send me but a thousand of those gallant men and I will pledge my honour that in Cala the flag of St. George will never give place to the lilies of France!

But above all things let the help, whatever it may be, come quickly. I have forgotten what little Latin I ever knew, but there an old tag which I learnt at Carlle Grammar School which dwells in my memory B dat qui cito dat!

The young men were much moved as the veteran soldier talked.

God grant that the Cardinal may lten to us, and that the Government will heed him, said Ralph.

But the Cardinal the Government, for at th moment he rules supreme in the council, and the Queen relies implicitly upon h advice, replied the Governor. Persuade him and the thing accomplhed. Cala will stand for another two hundred years as the brightest gem in the Englh crowneaven grant it!

But meanwhile, interposed Ralph again, meanwhile, if Gue come

Our latest advice that Gue will not come, answered the Governor he has joined De Nevers and their combined armies are moving into Picardy all men say that France will make a desperate effort to reconquer St. Quentinnd will make it soon.

It the unexpected which happens, said Geoffrey.

So they talked till the hour grew late and it was time to retire. Th night they were to occupy the Guest chamber in the Governors lodging.

To-morrow, then, said the Earl, as he bade them a good-night, to-morrow the tide serves at ten in the morning, and I have ordered a swift fly-boat to be ready for you at the quay at that hour. And now good-night, good-night!


It was a du day, the first day of chill October. The envoys stood on the deck of the fly-ship as she cleared out of Cala harbour, and they watched the fast-receding vta of the old Englh town, the last remnant of the once vast Continental possessions of the Plantagenet kings.

The flag of St. George hunthe summit of the lofty tower of Notre Dame. The rain had sodden it, and there was little wind to throw out its heavy folds.

There was much cause why Geoffrey, William and Ralph should rejoice and be glad. Their msion was drawing to an end, and all things had gone happily. They had passed through many dangers, and a Divine Providence had surely watched over them. Soon they would be in London, and a rapturous welcome awaited them at Grays Inn!

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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