




遵义售后处理手表停了万宝龙Glad was old Robin to see h young masters, of whom nothing had been heard at Grays Inn for many a day. They were neither hungry nor thirsty, for they had supped well at Rochester yet the porter was able to find some wine and bread for the weary travellers.

But their chief need was rest, and they at once sought their way to their well-known rooms, which had not been occupied since they left them.

They would sleep, they told Robin, for the next three hours, and at breakfast time they would present themselves to Sir John and Mtress Susan, who might be informed of their arrival when they descended to the breakfast room.

Oh, thank God, to be at home once more!

cried Ralph.

Yes, let us thank Him together, said Geoffrey gravely, and the three young soldiers knelt in silence. Then they sought the much needed rest, and were soon in deep sleep.

It was eight oclock when the sound of the gong aroused the sleepers, and, after a hasty preparation, they descended to the breakfast room.


what a meeting was that.

There stood Sir John, lost in wonder and delight there was Susan, clad in some bewitching morning costume, her long fair hair loosely tied with some bright ribbons and falling in masses over her shoulders.

My boys, my boys, cried Sir John, as he embraced them, ksing them on both cheeks, welcome home!

Then came Susans turn, and joy shone in her fair eyes as she ksed them all, Geoffrey not being excepted.

It was long ere they could sit down to breakfast, so much had they to tell and to ask. Eating and drinking were much too prosaic occupations for such a time as that!

But there was an air of gravity on Sir Johns face as he presently asked the boys what brought them home so suddenly when last he heard of them they were on service at St. Quentin.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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