




黔西南维修地址美度But weakness often more mchievous and dastrous in its consequences than wickedness.

In the young offenders th lack of grit combined with an absence of moral principles, and though the majority of them appear to know right from wrong, they certainly act as if they possess little moral consciousness.

Again I content myself with merely stating a fact, for I must not be led into philosophic inquiry or speculation as to the causes of th loss of grit, though I hope to say something upon the subject later on.

Crime, too, has changed in some respects. There are fewer crimes of violence there less brutality, less debauchery, less drinking butnd I would like to write it very largehere more dhonesty, which a more insidious evil.

[Pg 12]

Here again I am tempted to philosophic inquiry, or to engage in some attempt to answer the questionre we as a nation becoming more dhonest I answer at once, We are.

For twenty-five years I have watched the trend of crime, for the past ten years I have closely studied our criminal stattics, and I can say that personal experience and a close study of our annual criminal stattics confirm me in th matter.

Some explanation of the growth of dhonesty may be found in the social changes that have been going on. As education advanced the number of men and women employed as clerks, salesmen, and business asstants multiplied, and it follows that the temptations to, and opportunities for, dhonesty multiplied also. For years a large transference of boys and young men from the labouring and artan life to the clerks desk or to the shop-counter has been going on. The growth in the number of persons employed as dtributors of the necessaries of life, who day after day receive, on behalf of their employers, payments for bread, milk, meat, coal, etc., multiplies enormously the facilities for dhonest actions.

Most of those engaged in th class of work come from the homes of the poor, and in too many cases receive insufficient payment for arduous and responsible services. Still, I am sure that we must not look for the reason of th growing dhonesty in the multiplication of the opportunities, or to sudden temptations caused by the stress of poverty.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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