




六盘水机械表走停宝玑Sincerely and devoutly I hope that th simple record of some parts of my life and my work may tend to bind rich and poor still closer.

One result of my former book, Pictures and Problems from London Police Courts, to be found at Walton-on-the-Naze Home of Rest for Londons poorest toilers, which the readers of that book generously gave me the means of establhing. During the present year five hundred poor women have rested in it, some of them never[Pg ix] having previously seen the sea. Such profits as accrue to me from the sale of th book will be devoted to the maintenance and development of th Home.

One word more. I want it to be dtinctly understood that I am no longer a Police Court Msionary. I resigned that position four years ago that I might be free to devote my life to Londons poorest toilers, the home-workers, to whom frequent references are made in my pages, and for whom I hope great things. But I am not free altogether of my old kind of work, for, as secretary of the Howard Association, one half of my life still devoted to prons and proners.


12, Bedford Road,

September, 1908.


During the summer of 1904 there were in London few men more unsettled in mind and merable than myself. I had severed my connection with London police-courtsnd well I knew it. I was not sure that I had done wely or well, and was troubled accordingly. I msed more than words can express the meries that had hitherto been inseparable from the routine of my life. For twenty-one years, day after day at a regular hour, I had turned my steps in one direction, and had gone from home morning by morning with my mind attuned to a certain note. It was not, then, a strange thing to find that mechanical habits had been formed, and that sometimes I found myself on the way to the police-court before I dcovered my mtake. Still less was it a marvel to find that my mind refused to accept all at once the fact that I was no longer a Police-Court Msionary. I must in truth confess I felt a bit ashamed that I had given up the work. I felt that I was something of a traitor, who had deserted the poor and[Pg 2] the outcast, many of whom had learned to love and trust me.

I am not ashamed to say that I had been somewhat proud of my name and title, for the words Police-Court Msionary meant much to me, and I had loved my work and had suffered for it.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


保养腕表秘诀 1 定期上链


保养腕表秘诀2 项完美的调整

确保您的腕表服帖戴在手腕 . 这样能改善上链系统的效率,能进一步避免您金属表带链节的过早磨损。避免在同一手腕上佩戴多枚腕表或珠宝饰品,因为会在碗表和金属表带链节上造成划痕。

保养腕表秘诀 3 防水腕表的清洗


保养腕表秘诀 4 真皮表带


保养腕表秘诀 5 定期检与维修
