




铜仁手表指针掉了康斯登A vast amount of spoil fell into the hands of the victors among it were eighty standards and all the artillery save two pieces.

The proners numbered six thousand men, of whom six hundred were gentlemen of position.

Of De Montmorencys fine army of twenty-two thousand men all were slain or captured, save five thousand. Among the slain were some of the noblest of the sons of France, notably Jean de Bourbon, Count dEnghien, a prince of the blood.

On the side of the Spaniards less than a thousand fell, among them being Count Brederode (who perhed in the morass, smothered in h armour) and Counts Spiegelbourg and Waldeck.

On the next day King Philip himself rode into the camp he had left Brussels and was at Cambrai when the battle took place. He was received with all the honours of warith unbounded enthusiasm!

The unhappy proners were paraded before him in long procession, and the captured standards were placed at h feethe camp was delirious with joy.

A council of war was forthwith held to decide on future operations.

With fiery zeal Egmont and Gonzaga urged that an immediate march on Par should be made.

Send me on with the cavalry, sire, and I prome you that in four days you shall sup in Par!

cried Egmont.

But Philip was as cautious as h renowned father, Charles the Fifth, was adventurous.

When the news of the battle reached the abdicated Emperor, h first inquiry was whether Philip was in Par.

There were many difficulties to be surmounted ere that glorious consummation could be reached, and Philip laid them before the council.

St. Quentin must first be taken!

Between them and Par there exted many a strong fortress, and wide rivers which must be crossed. Moreover, Par would not surrender lightlyts citizens could man the walls with forty thousand men at least.

Again, Cond茅 and Nevers, with the relics of the broken army, must be reckoned with. Ere long Gue would come to their support.

So the King argued, and the council reluctantly agreed that all their efforts should now be concentrated on the capture of St. Quentin.

Before the council broke up King Philip called Egmont to him, and taking the collar of the Golden Fleece from h own person, placed it upon the neck of the Count as the real hero of the day!

All Spain ratified the Kings deed Egmont and St. Quentin became the rallying cry of the nation, and the fame of the brave Hollander reached the farthest limits of the mighty empire over which Philip ruled.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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