




六盘水专修站萧邦To-morrow, then, at three oclock we meet here the horses will be ready to start the moment you arrive, said William, as the guest took h departure from the Place.

I shall be hereod willing, replied the Vicar.

The next day saw William Jefferays plan carried outith the addition that, on Susans suggestion, Jefferay should accompany the Vicar to Holland and see him safely and comfortably settled there.

That same day, Monday, Ralph arrived from London, and it was not long ere the confiding Susan had revealed to him all that had passed, and that on Wednesday the Queens Pursuivant would vit Chiddingly to find the bird flown!

Now Ralph was a fine, strong Englh youth, endowed by nature with a very combative dposition and an inordinate love of adventure.

He had thoroughly approved of the action of the Chiddingly rustics when they dipped the apparitor in the horse-pond, though he had taken no part in the affair.

The threatened vit of the Pursuivant aroused h indignation to a white heat, and, unfortunately, at th moment he lacked the restraining influence of h fathers presence at home, nor did he take counsel on the matter with Susan.

That very day Ralph called about him a few of h young confidants among the Chiddingly rustics, and at nightfall ten of them met him in conference in the taproom of the Six Bells Inn.

The meeting was secret and confidential none but the ten stalwarts were admitted to it, and these pledged themselves to secrecy by a solemn oath which Ralph admintered with all due gravity.

Then the meeting having been duly constituted, and Ralph accepted as their leader by common consent, the young Squire (as he was known among the rustics) set forth in sufficiently guarded language the nature of the matter which had brought them together, omitting all reference by name to Geoffrey de Fynes.

Headstrong and thoughtless as Ralph was, he saw the necessity for secrecy on that point.

It was a remarkable and typical assembly.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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