




六盘水表换指针伯爵So he replied, Come hither, man put thy hand in my doublet pocket and take my purse, with all that it contains.

The woodman obeyed, and soon found the purse it was well lined, and h greed was satfied.

But he was no simpleton, and the same thought which had inspired the Pursuivants generosity had occurred to him also he determined, therefore, on h line of action.

Approaching the tree to which one of the men-at-arms was bound, he raed h axe, and, with one blow, severed the rope.

Now loose thy fellows, he cried, as he bounded into the forest.

The liberated man was long ere he freed h companions by that time the woodman with the purse in h pocket was deep in the recesses of the forest.

The night was falling, yet a long march lay before the three men ere the lights of Lewes would gladden their eyes.

Yet, hungry, thirsty, and weary, they reached the county town that night, nor did the Pursuivant seek rest till the first step in h revenge was taken, and he had lodged h report with the authorities in the castle.


It was an hour after sunset, and a rich red glow still lingered in the western horizon, tinging the waters of the Thames as they swirled past the water-gate of Surrey House with gleams of scarlet and gold.

A young man stood on the brink of the river idly watching the ebb and flow of the tide.

For some time he had been strolling to and fro on the velvety lawn of my Lord of Surreys house at Chelsea, as if awaiting a companion.

He was richly dressed, and the fading light gltened on many a jewel which bedecked h Court costume. It lit up the diamond cross of S. Iago of Toledo which he wore upon h breast, and gleamed on the diamonds which decked the pommel of the dress-sword which hung at h side.

Queen Mary was holding a Court revel th night at Whitehall in honour of her royal consort, King Philip, who had that day arrived in London from Spain, to the great joy of the Queen, and Don Diego dOlivares was apparelled for the f锚te.

Don Diego was a typical Hidalgo of purest Castilian blood. H well-formed features, swarthy complexion, dark lustrous eyes, and glossy black locks proclaimed the fact.

My father comes not, he murmured to himself. If he delay much longer, I shall leave him to follow me to Court in Lord Surreys company.

The light was fading off the river, the stars were becoming bright and lustrous, and the young courtier was growing impatient.

Few boats were on the river now and then a galley or a wherry would dart by, and he noticed that the boatmen were lighting their torches.

He bethought him of the beautiful gardens at Whitehall, already gleaming beneath the light of hundreds of cressets. And h thoughts wandered to those whom he expected to meet there the treasurer of Grays Inn and h fair niece, Ms Susan Jefferay, the heavenly twins, as he facetiously termed her two brothers William and Ralph, and many others.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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保养腕表秘诀2 项完美的调整

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保养腕表秘诀 5 定期检与维修
