




毕节更换表壳百达翡丽Susan had borne up bravely during th brief interview yet, when the Sheriff had gone, and she and Sir John were left to themselves, her fortitude gave way, and she began to sob gently.

Sir John moved to her side and took her hand caressingly.

th the brave and trusty nurse, he said to her in a low voice, of whom I was so proud to-day

Oh, Susan, dear Susan, have faith in God let us kneel together and commit the whole matter to H most gracious keeping!

Now go to rest, dear child, said Sir John, as they rose from their kneeling posture.

Presently, dear uncle, I will seek rest, replied Susan but I have work in the sick-room awaiting me, and I keep watch there the first half of the night.

Then, bidding her uncle Good-night, Susan lit a wax candle and quitted the library.

For a full hour the Treasurer sat alone in deep thought. He resolved that on the morrow he would send a trusty messenger to the Hague, who should inform h brother of all that had passed, and the present position of affairs.

How he longed for the presence of Williamow valuable would h counsel be to him at th cr!

Yet it could not be, for it was known full well to those in power that William had aided the Vicar of Chiddingly to escape, that he had gone with him to Holland.

He therefore lay under grave suspicion, and must remain an exile until happier days.

At length, weary and worn, the Treasurer betook himself to rest.


The Star Chamber was a part of a range of buildings on the east side of Palace Yard at Westminster.

Its peculiar name did not find its origin in any dtinctive feature of the building, but rather from the fact that, by order of King Richard I, the Starra, or Jewh Covenants, were deposited there.

In the reign of Edward III large additions were made to the Palace at Westminster, including St. Stephens Chapel, and a new council chamber henceforth to be known as the Court of the Star Chamber.

Th was the popular name of the building the Court itself was known officially as The Lords of the Council sitting in the Star Chamber.

It was instituted in the reign of Henry VII (A.D. 1487), and the number of judges varied, from time to time, from twenty-six to forty-two the Lord Chancellor, or the Lord Keeper, was the President.

It took cognizance of perjury, riot, and conspiracy. The building was large, and richly decorated. The walls were panelled to the ceiling, great bow windows admitted light and air.

The ceiling was ornamented with carved wood-work, and was richly painted.

It was in th building, and before th ust tribunal, that William Jefferay appeared, in the month of September, A.D. 1557, on the charge of riot and assault.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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