





In my opening chapter a slight reference was made to the Habitual Inebriates Act of 1898.

I now wh to deal more fully with th subject, for it has occupied much time in police-courts, and has held a large place in the public mind and interest.

The uselessness of short terms of impronment for persons frequently charged with drunkenness had been fully proved they had not been found deterrent or reformative, the only practical result being that the lives of those constantly committed were considerably lengthened.

Sometimes I have felt that it wif the women to whom I now refer could have gone quietly out of extence, for I believe that the All-Merciful would extend greater mercy to them than they show to themselves.

But life has a firm grip upon women and when it devoted to animalm and idleness, when the cares and worries of home, children, and employment do not concern them, then indeed those lives are often lengthened out beyond the lives of their more virtuous and industrious sters.

[Pg 46]

For these women prons had proved useful sanatoria, and frequent sentences times of recuperation.

Small wonder, then, that new methods should at length be tried. The Habitual Inebriates Act came into being in 1898.

The Act adopted the definition of a much earlier Act as to what constituted the habitual inebriate, which was as follows

Those who, by the excessive use of intoxicating drink, are unable to control their affairs or are dangerous to themselves or others.

I quite believe that if the framers of th Act had realized the character of those who would come within its provions, a far different definition would have been found. But the Act also conditioned that only those who were charged four times during the year with drunkenness should be dealt with, the great mtake being that no attempt was made previously to inquire into the character and condition of those that happened to be charged four times in the year. I suppose it was a natural inference that anyone so frequently charged must be of necessity a confirmed and regular inebriate. But the reverse proved true, for the worst inebriates, dipsomaniacs, and sots, escaped the meshes of the net so carefully spread.

They at any rate did not fall into the hands of the police so frequently indeed, many of them did not at all. But the Act netted a very different kind of fh kind that ought to have been netted many years previously, and dealt with in a far more effectual manner than was now proposed.

[Pg 47]

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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