




贵阳圆形表壳名士Mark, Madam, I beseech you, that no blood was shed, though the Pursuivant threatened him with dire punhment, being at the moment absolutely at h mercy.

The Queen ltened attentively, but she made no observation.

Poles heart sank within him, he felt that he had not yet convinced h noble auditors judgment, nor had he deeply moved her feelings.

Was it possible that the King had forestalled him, representing the matter as a heretical plot and Ralph as a wild incendiary Hot Gospeller, in fact

Once more the Cardinals soul appealed to Heaven for help, nor did he appeal in vain!

In warm and earnest language he set forth the brothers exploit on the Thames and their narrow escape from a violent death.

Oh, Madam, he cried, as I looked upon h pale, scarred, but noble face th day in the Star Chamber, a deep sense of pity took possession of me. He had atoned for h offence!

It could not be that one so young, so brave, so nobly daring should suffer a felons doom, and I besought Heaven to have mercy on him.

The sound of a gentle sob reached h ear, and he looked on the Queens sad face.

Yes, she was deeply moved at last!

Stay, my Lord Cardinal, she said in a low voice, I have heard enough. God spared that young mans lifehall we be less merciful

Then it was that she sent for Philip, and in a few minutes he was at the door, the Ambassador, at h request, accompanying him.

With Castilian courtesy Philip knelt and ksed the Queens hand, then, ring, he repeated the salute on her forehead.

The Queens face flushed with pleasure, for she dearly loved her husbandlas, he was all that she had to love in th world!

Then she marked the presence of the Ambassador, and extended her hand towards him as he knelt humbly to ks it.

The Cardinal stood aside, he had made lowly obeance to the King as he entered.

Your Majesty sent for me, I await your gracious pleasure, said Philip in low tones.

I crave your pardon if I have dturbed State business, said Mary apologetically, glancing at the Spanh Ambassador, but I need your advice th night, although the hour grows late.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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